It’s not about the likes

15 thoughts on “It’s not about the likes”

    1. So it’s not just me then? Good to know. Any tips you have found to help you along besides just NOT looking? I’m hoping if I don’t look for long enough, I will get over it and when I do I won’t care so much what the numbers are. If even ONE person was blessed or moved or smiled because of what I shared, that is enough. Truly. But sometimes the numbers mess with that truth.

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      1. You never stop caring, you realize that the numbers don’t validate you. I get my validation from comments. Since you are a new blogger it will take you a long time to reach the level of followers to get on going comments. Don’t try so hard, just write good material from your heart not what you think people want to hear, unless your a lifestyle site. You’ll get there. I’ve been blogging since 2005 and the numbers matter but I don’t feel bad or care if there not good on day or one week. I hope that helps. Another way to grow your comments and relationships is to comment on other’s, turn your passion around, read great post and leave comments for them.


      2. Wow I love that – the numbers dont validate you! Thank you so much for your wisdom and experience! I love reading other blogs and try to when I can steal away some time. Such thoughtful and amazing content out there! Thanks agajn for the encouragement. Truly value it! I will keep writing what is in my heart and make more time to connect with others. 🙂

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  1. 🤔 If a person views their self as a writer, their main goal should be focused on producing high-quality writing and having fun.

    Likes are merely a byproduct of creating content that is relatable to the reader.

    In my case, I treasure valuable comments more than likes since anyone can press the “Like” button without ever reading my blog posts.


    1. Renard you are so right. Comments show that thoughtful extra step of sharing your own thoughts on the topic and that is what is so cool about blogging because you can get and give feedback!
      Thanks for your thoughts… I am not quite sure I view myself entirely as a writer yet because I think I built it up so big in my head… I need to bring it back into the realm of just writing so it doesn’t mess with my head so much.

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  2. I have recently gotten back into keeping a journal and it is so help. Just posted about that experience today. You are quite right about the motivations of writing and posting. I know when I put my heart and personal touch on it, I enjoy doing it more and eventually that will attract the right readers I can actually connect; better that chasing likes.


    1. YES TMP I agree! Journaling is such a great habit… I can tell when I write from the heart because it just flows and I don’t worry so much about what others will think! Thank you so much for sharing! I look forward to reading your post on keeping a journal.


  3. Absolutely. Not about likes. It’s about comments, reactions to what you write, and some incredible people you will likely never meet in person, but who “resonate”.
    Keep writing.


    1. Merci mon ami! C’est un nouveau monde mais un qui…jusqu’ici…m’enchante absolument. J’adore aussi explorer les autres blogs il y a tant a decouvrir! Comme par exemple que vous parlez français! 🙂


      1. J’ai grandi en France jusqu’a l’âge de 16 ans. Aujourd’hui je l’enseigne. 🙂 Peut-être qu’un jour j’écrirai aussi en français qui sait? En tout cas ça me fait toujours un grand plaisir de rencontrer d’autres francophones.

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      2. Intéressant… 16 ans c’est suffisant pour le parler parfaitement. J’ai eu le parcours inverse, Français je suis né et ai vécu à l’étranger jusqu’à 16 and où je suis rentré à Paris pour mes études. Après je suis reparti!
        Plaisir partagé.
        A bientôt.

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